Terms and Conditions
The following terms and conditions shall apply, unless otherwise have been agreed on in writing. These terms & conditions shall become binding when the order is placed, be it in writing or verbally. The agreed prices are, unless stated otherwise, gross prices. Costs for items such as travel, accommodation and materials, as well as the applicable VAT, shall be charged in addition.
1 Registration for open-enrolment programs, mentorships and trainings
Open-enrolment programs, mentorships and trainings are those courses that are publicly advertised in our catalogue or in advertisements. Registrations should be made in writing, by e-mail or via the website. The booking will be confirmed in writing. Shortly after your registration you will receive a written confirmation and an invoice.
2 Offerings for in-house workshops & trainings
In-house workshops and trainings are internal to client companies. They are only carried out on request. Price quotations in written offers shall remain valid for three months, options for certain dates for one month, starting from the date of the offer.
3 Payment terms
Invoices are payable immediately upon receipt without discounts. Payments shall be received at least one week prior to the start of the program, mentorship, training or workshop. If the invoice amount has not been received within 30 days from the invoice date, SoulPilot is entitled to charge delay fees (interests). The interest rate shall be 10%-points p. a. above the interest rate of the Spanish Central Bank in effect at the time of invoicing.
Payments shall generally be made net of any bank or transaction fees for the recipient. This shall also apply to payments from abroad, even in such cases where a transaction fee is normally levied by the respective financial institutions involved. The costs of the payment transfer shall always be the responsibility of the payer.
4 Cancellation policy for open-enrollment programs, mentorships & trainings
Your registration shall be binding. The full program, mentorship or training fee shall be due upon cancellation. However, we prefer that you find a suitable replacement in such cases to take over your place.
Cancellations for accommodation – if applicable – shall be made directly with the event house, according to their existing conditions.
5 Cancellation policy for in-house workshops & trainings
If an order or date is cancelled by the customer, and if the date cannot be used for another workshop or training, cancellation costs shall become due as follows:
When the event is rescheduled:
In case of cancellation up to 60 days in advance: 0%
In case of cancellation up to 30 days in advance: 20%
In case of cancellation up to 15 days in advance 75% of the agreed fee
When the event will not be rescheduled:
In case of cancellation up to 60 days in advance: 10%
In case of cancellation up to 30 days in advance: 40%
In case of cancellation up to 15 days in advance: 100% of the agreed fee.
6 Cancellation policy for coachings
Coachings with a scheduled length of up to 120 minutes can be cancelled or postponed up to 48 hours in advance for free. After that 100% of the agreed fee will apply.
Coachings with a scheduled length of 120-240 minutes can be cancelled or postponed up to 3 days in advance for free. After that 100% of the agreed fee will apply.
For Coachings with a scheduled, consecutive length of 240 minutes or more per format – like the Diamond Coaching Day – the cancellation policy for in-house workshops & trainings (§5) does apply.
7 Change in scope of performances
The content and structure of the program, mentorship & training, as well as the use of the trainers may be changed as long as the overall nature of the program & training remains the same. This shall not give participants the right to rescind the contract or reduce the invoiced amount.
8 Program & training cancellation
SoulPilot reserves the right to cancel open-enrolment programs & trainings up until 3 days before their start, and to offer alternate dates if there are not enough participants (usually, fewer than 5 participants).
When a program, mentorship, training, workshop or coaching does not take place due to illness of the trainer, Force Majeure or other unforeseeable events, there shall be no claim to having the program/mentorship/training/workshop/coaching take place. There shall be no claim to reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs, neither of lost work. There shall be no liability for incidental damage, in particular, lost profits or third party claims.
9 Confidential information, privacy protection
The contractual partners shall treat essential matters, that are not publicly known and which affect the other contractual partner, with the confidentiality customary in usual conduct of coaching business. They shall process or utilize personal data of the other contractual partner only for the contractual purposes. This includes the use of credentials for promotional alerts of follow-up events. The contractual partners shall, in particular, protect these data from unauthorized access, and share them with third parties only with the consent of the other contractual partner.
10 Copyrights
By registering, participants agree to comply with the following: program & training -related binders, electronic documents etc. are subject to copyright and must not be duplicated photo-mechanically or electronically at any time or for any reason; they are intended only for the personal use of the course participants and must not be shared with third parties.
11 Liability
Each program/mentorship/trainings/workshop/coaching shall be prepared and conducted according to the current state of the art. We shall not assume any liability for advice given, or for the utilization of knowledge acquired.
SoulPilot shall not be liable for damage caused by participants intentionally or in gross negligence.
We emphasize that insights bringing programs, mentorships, trainings, workshops and coachings are always subject to particular risk. All participants should feel prepared to accept the challenges of the program/mentorship/training/workshop/coaching. They shall bear the responsibility for their own actions and for their physical and mental health. The program/mentorship/training/workshop/coaching is not a substitute for medical or psychotherapeutic treatment. If you are physically or mentally unstable or under medical treatment, please check with your medical doctor or therapist beforehand whether your participation in the program/mentorship/training/workshop/coaching seems to be meaningful and inform the training/workshop/coaching head about this at the beginning of the event.
SoulPilot shall not assume any responsibility for disadvantages resulting from the fact that a participant does not fulfil the prerequisites for a program/mentorship/training/workshop/coaching.
We reserve the right to exclude participants from the event program if they damage our reputation as a guest at event locations. The costs arising from such an early departure shall be borne by the customer.
12 Additional Disclaimer for Breathworks
We do use breathwork as a tool in our programs, mentorships, workshops and trainings.
SoulPilot is not a medical practice and the facilitators are not medically trained. If you suffer from any serious condition you should check with your medical practitioner prior to breathing with us.
The breathing approach we use is not advised for conditions such as, but not limited to bi-polar, schizophrenia, cardiovascular disease, acute heart conditions, epilepsy, glaucoma, detached retina, or high blood pressure. Nor is it advised if you have a delicate pregnancy or are in the first trimester (first three months) of pregnancy. Likewise, if you are on any medications you are advised to seek medical counsel prior to joining us.
13 Clause regarding sects
SoulPilot events are based on a well-founded scientific basis, not on an ideology or the cult of a sec and are conducted by experienced coaches and trainers in their field. Consequently, we distance ourselves expressly from organisations such as Scientology and refuse to cooperate in any way with this or similar organizations or associated companies.
14 Court of referral
The court of referral and venue shall be Ibiza, Spain exclusively.
15 Final Provisions
The Spanish law shall apply for our business relationships and all legal relationships between us and our customers. If a provision of these Terms & Conditions or a provision in any other agreements should be or become ineffective, this shall not affect the effectiveness of all other provisions or agreements. Differing agreements made shall only be effective if they have been made in writing. For orders that have been arranged by us, but confirmed, delivered, executed and invoiced by the suppliers directly, the Terms & Conditions of the corresponding supplier shall apply.
16 Company Details
Dr Till Noethel
Lugar Venda de Safragell 91
07812 San Llorenzo de Balafia
Ibiza – Balerares
VAT-Id-Nr.: ESY5718270R