Are you coming to the island and are looking for more than a conscious vacation and yoga? Do you love self-development and never get enough of your own magical inner growth? Here is how you can book one Diamond DAY with us, tap into your best, powerful Self – on this high vibe dream island – and see the mind blowing results unfold when you go home.
Both of us, Till and Taya, keep limited dates open for you during the summer months. These dates are booked fast, that’s why we recommend getting in touch with us as soon as you plan your Ibiza trip.
Living the best, most loving, potent, divine and evolved version of yourself definitely includes spending plenty of time at your dream location. This is why we have chosen to live in Ibiza.
Ibiza, the white island where magic happens is a sacred, high energy spot. The hippy dream is still alive and it has evolved to a BOHO subculture dedicated to (inner) freedom, spirituality, celebration, healing, natural ecstatic and mystical experiences as a life style and path. The island is magnetic, wild and free. She will support your individual coaching and transformation process as the truth simply surfaces faster.
Please choose from our various coaching offers and contact us to discuss individual arrangements.
Till’s Diamond Coaching Day

This is a full day about you, you, you and what you want to change for the better in life. Pick up to 3 hot results that you most urgently want to achieve right now and we will work on them throughout the day.
Whether you seek transformation in your business, career, purpose, relationships, overall fulfilment, or any other aspect of your life: You name your desires and choose the areas where you want to see profound change.
I will create a powerful, higher state of consciousness in you and together, we will embark on a journey to unlock your greatest potential and create a life that aligns with your deepest aspirations.
We will engage in meaningful conversations in a soul-nourishing environment, and align the 4 major pillars of your being: The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects to create the life you truly desire.
Experience a day to remember, filled with deep listening, life-changing insights, and powerful transformation.
Somatic Diamond Day with Taya

Have you tried many spiritual methods and practices, but nothing changed profoundly in your real life? Do you have this aching feeling inside telling you that you are not fully living what you are born for – and it really hurts? Sometimes it needs to hurt or call you loud enough to go all in! If this is you, here is the day which will ignite your fire for the real shift!
Experience a unique opportunity to grow beyond limits and evolve from the inside out. This tailored offer is specially designed to suit you – Embody who you truly are. Within yourself, in your business, purpose and relationships. Feel alive and aligned like never before.
This offer includes a 30 minute preparation call, a full morning in person session (3 hours minimum), a 60 minute integration Zoom call, plus 1 week of availability for support via messages to create fully engaged fast results.
“Taya is among the best 10% of all practitioners I’ve worked with in the past 40 years around the globe.”
“Till is a world-class coach who I have had the pleasure of working with for over 8 years. He is simply the best, most innovative, and most creative and forward-thinking coach I have ever worked with.”
“There has hardly ever been a year in my life with more change. Change in my private life situation and change in myself. I have gained a new perspective on myself, others and situations.Today everything is different than it was a year ago, in a positive way. Your role (Till) in my personal transformation and my journey towards a happy and fulfilling life cannot be overstated!”
“It is pioneers like you, Till, who create the breakthroughs that lift our cultures and nations to new levels.”
“It just took that one session with Taya to instantly feel and experience that this was a transformational process of healing and growth for me. Her sessions need to be experienced more than stated in words as they are fully personalised to one’s specific needs. She connects with your body, mind and soul in a way that brings transformation, expansion and insights.”
“The transformation that Taya was capable of inspiring in me in our first session was truly remarkable. She effortlessly coached me back to my natural self and helped me to re- discover my true calling in life (yes, it was that simple :). Taya then coached me to access the inner wisdom and strength I would need to put my calling into action and worked precisely on my body to help release the blocks and obstacles that may have been holding me back from achieving my goals over the years.”
“I was very touched by the work with Till. He looked deeply into my heart like no one before and discovered my pain and the unique quality associated with it. The combination of his soul coaching is unique: It is bridging soul spirit with practical application in business.”
“I feel sooooo much stronger about my OWN purpose and it’s getting stronger everyday. I’m flying, and that’s the difference that you have made. To make me realize that I don’t have to rely on anyone so that I can strive, I am doing it all by myself!”
“Taya’s work is unique and crafted not only from her expertise – yet also from the depth of love she holds for humanity. Highly affective for helping me to release stress, and old family pain, her work has been instrumental in me feeling empowered to reclaim parts of myself, heal, and move forward with newfound strength and confidence.”
“That was the most amazing experience… I felt such huge release and like my soul was having a ‘clear out!’ and then very calm & focused – and was vibrating really highly on an energetic level. I’ve never experienced anything like it. I can’t tell you how much it has changed my life. Everyone around me tells me I am a different person, AND I feel it myself. I am so much ‘lighter’ – I am just so much more!”
“Till Noethel is a coach willing to say less and listen more, with great results. Paying careful attention to the energy and intent behind my words he was able to elicit more clarity from me about my work. In a matter of hours Till delivered lasting change, that I benefit from in my own work until now.“
“In this market, it is often difficult to find the right coach – I am glad to have `discovered´ Till Noethel, one of the best, and look forward to future projects.”