The Vision

Our vision is of a world where we all keep on becoming and expressing the best of ourselves from within.

A world where we transcend the boundaries of our learned limitations, accessing the depth of our profound potential, and forging a connection with our most loving, potent, divine, and evolved selves.

This Higher version of Self is what we can consciously choose to become. As we embody this elevated state, our individual lives are fulfilled and a profound ripple effect is unleashed within our sphere of influence as leaders, ultimately transforming the world into a better place.

The Purpose (Why)

Our purpose is to awaken leaders of a new wisdom and intuition based leadership era, who aspire to create the best for themselves and the world, to their Higher version of Self in everyday life.

By connecting with their Higher Self Leadership capacities they become the wellspring of inner peace, purpose, and true fulfilment, extending its transformative power to the outer world.

The How

We guide you to embody your Higher Self through a range of personal growth, healing and self-transforming formats including personal mentoring, mastermind programs, workshops, online events and 1:1 coachings.

Our unique approach combines the most effective tools and principles from Integral Coaching & Training, Neuroscience, Mindfulness, Breathwork, Energy Work, Grinberg Method, Pantarei Approach, Humanistic & Transpersonal Psychology, NLP, Mysticism, Leadership (Self- & Soul Leadership), Presence and Meditation Practice.

“This Higher version of Self is what we are destined to become. Embodied by each one of us, it will ultimately transform the world into a better place.” (Dr Till)

The What: What is Higher Self Leadership

Higher Self Leadership is about the highest level of awareness and peak performance leadership where the dominance of hyper-rational thinking is harmonised by integrating long-time neglected somatic, emotional and spiritual intelligences.

It is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, shedding the layers of societal and personal conditioning to reveal your true self and aspirations. It is about leading from the heart and soul, with a focus on creating authentic, fulfilling, and purpose-driven lives and organisations.

In everyday life most of us reside in our egoic, limited self. This egoic self is the matrix into which you, me, all of us have collectively conditioned ourselves as we navigate our personal journeys.

While various trainings can enhance your leadership skills, their impact remains restricted when anchored in this matrix framework.

Higher Self Leadership transcends this matrix and operates beyond it. It is an advanced form of leadership connected to your higher consciousness.

It goes beyond relying solely on mental intelligence, integrating a profound emphasis on somatic, emotional, and spiritual intelligences, often overlooked in conventional leadership approaches.

It teaches how to tap into your inner wisdom and intuition to make decisions that are aligned with your deepest values.

Higher Self Leadership empowers us to lead with compassion, and create a positive impact in the world, inspiring others to do the same.

Dr Till Noethel – the man who sees

Dr Till, is the expert in Higher Self Leadership for tech leaders and entrepreneurs.

Berlin Mitte born, Ibiza based he holds a doctorate in social and economic science and has over 30 years of coaching and executive level experience working with game changing international brands including Red Bull.

During this time he supported thousands of managers and leaders in 15 countries throughout Europe, Asia, North America and Australia with his Higher Self and awakening trainings.

He sees deeply into people’s hearts and souls, uncovering their strongest pain and greatest joy, and connecting their unique qualities into a new level of purposeful living.

If you would like to contact Dr Till:

TAYA – the woman with the key

The essence of magic can be felt when working with Taya. Why? Because there is an element of the unexplainable about her results.

Clients are often taken aback by such rapid transformation and many comment that, after years of searching, they have finally found the woman with the key.

Taya’s unique approach combines many years of spiritual practice with coaching, mindfulness, breathwork and energy work.

Trained and certified in the Grinberg Method and the Pantarei Approach, she empowers clients to transform at every level.

If you would like to contact Taya:

Taya SoulPilot Ibiza